Melchiorre Adamus
4 min readJun 23, 2020


La meditazione zen o zazen è una pratica orientale millenaria che ha come obiettivo principale il rilassamento totale del corpo e della mente per la riscoperta della vera natura dell'uomo. Le origini di questa disciplina risalgono alle esperienze del Buddha Shakyamuni che raggiunse l'Illuminismo intorno al VI secolo a.C. C. in India. Il termine stesso deriva dallo zazen, che indica la posizione del Buddha.

La storia è stata tramandata oralmente da maestro a discepolo per millenni e solo nel V secolo d.C. raggiunse la Cina grazie al monaco Bodhidharma, che trovò terreno fertile per la diffusione di queste pratiche meditative, conosciute con il termine cinese Ch'an (Zen in giapponese).

Zen meditation itself began in Japan in the 13th century thanks to the work of the master Dogen. Zen is reworked and significantly affects Japanese culture: one can think of samurai culture, the behavioral code to be kept in society, constructions, rituals and customs.

This discipline involves abandoning thoughts and sitting in peace with yourself, trying to eliminate fears, prejudices and falsehoods in order to get in touch with our true Being. Zen meditation can be practiced by everyone, it does not require a great commitment, neither physical nor economic, and helps fight stress and anxiety.

One of the first things to know about Zen meditation is that its purpose is not the emptying of the mind from all thoughts and estrangement from the surrounding reality: its purpose is much more introspective. The goal of this type of meditation is to get to know each other again, to rediscover oneself without the social patterns that force us to behave in contrast with our true “I” and which is often a source of stress, insecurity and unhappiness. For this reason, once you start to meditate, you slowly “lighten” yourself from the heaviness of life and come out more confident, “simpler” each time.

How to start practicing Zen meditation

If you don’t have the opportunity to attend a course taught by a Zen master, don’t worry: you can also start alone, at home, following simple rules.
First you need to choose a quiet and distraction-free place in the house, as far away as possible from external stimuli such as TV, telephone and noise. You can help create the right atmosphere with incense and candles and with Zen music.

Then you need to get a meditation cushion and comfortable clothes, preferably loose and made of natural fabrics. Now you have to sit on the floor (that’s why a pillow is indispensable!) In the classic lotus position, meaning the one with the back erect, the legs crossed with the heels on the ankles and the hands resting on the knees with the palms facing upwards . If this position is uncomfortable for you, you can choose to rest your heels on the ground or keep your legs straight. Over time your muscles will relax and you will be able to maintain the correct position.

The important thing is to feel comfortable to be able to focus on meditation. As they teach in specialized schools, one must “be seated and stable like a mountain”. The stability of posture is also a metaphor: an invitation to be calm and firm in the face of the adversities that life presents us. During the summer, you can dedicate yourself to Zen meditation outdoors, for example in the garden or on the beach. Direct contact with nature will help you concentrate better and perceive the link with it.

After having “conquered” the right position, close your eyes and concentrate on breathing: it must be slow and deep, allowing you to find your mind and achieve spiritual balance. According to Zen philosophy, proper breathing allows you to live long in health and harmony. Otherwise, the individual is more prone to weakness, illness and psycho-physical imbalances.

The first few times you can practice a simple exercise that will help you focus on breathing: it counts every time you inhale and exhale up to ten. If you are distracted by something external or by some thought, take note of it and start again. The goal is to be able to count up to more than ten times without interruption. When you do, it means you’re ready for real Zen meditation. You will no longer need to count, but you can concentrate on the flow of thoughts by managing to eliminate the most negative ones.

Non hai bisogno di molto tempo per praticare la meditazione Zen: anche pochi minuti al giorno sono sufficienti per aiutarti a cambiare il tuo stile di vita. Gli esperti dicono che ci vogliono otto settimane per ottenere i primi risultati concreti. Oltre alla vasta offerta di corsi e incontri con maestri Zen, sono anche molto popolari manuali e video che illustrano le principali tecniche di meditazione Zen.

Melchiorre Adamus

Melchiorre Adamus
Melchiorre Adamus

Written by Melchiorre Adamus

I know what happens when a person dies. If you have read Pythagoras then you will understand. I know something more.

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